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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Islam Girls Library


The subject : ( Woman In Islam)
The author: (Limo Aisha, Fatima Herren)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

The subject : ( Enjoy your life)
The author: (Dr.Muhammad 'Abd Al-Rahman Al-'Arifi)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

The subject : ( The Bible,The Qur'an and Science)
The author: (Dr. Maurice Bucaille)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

The subject : ( Polygamy, And The Prophet Muhammad)
The author: (Muhammad AL-Syed Muhammad)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book: EvIdences, Proofs & TestImonIes on the Message of The seal of The Prophets & What he Bought forth  for the whole of Humankind.

The subject : ( Sahih Bukhari)
The author: (Imam Bukhari)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book: The most book you depend on after gurannotice:to read these books and documents, adobe acrobat 6.1
progamme must be procssed.
The programmes link is:
http: //


The subject : ( Sahih Muslim)
The author: (Imam Muslim)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book: A precious book with over than 3033 correct Hadiths
Which all the nation has agreed upon them
It is the second fair book after Sahih Bukhari
It has a lot of rules, manners faith and moals.

notice : ( look at sahih bukhari notice above, it is a same)


The subject : (Riyad al-Salihin )
The author: ( Al-Imam An- Nawawi )
The language: English-Arabic
 download: click here
About the book:


The subject : (Christianity : The Original and the Present Reality )
The author: ( Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah As-Suheem)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book: All the praise is due to Allâh, Who has guided us to His straight path. We seek His forgiveness and we seek refuge in Him from the evil of our own selves and our bad deeds.


The subject : (Futility of Passion  )
The author: (Fahd bin Mohammed Al-Hajri )
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

The subject : (The Wisdom behind the Islamic Laws Regarding Women )
The author: (Shaykh ‘Abdur-Rahman ‘Abdul-Khaliq )
The language: English
 download: click here                     to read only : click here
About the book:
 For Whom Am I Writing this Essay?
My brothers and sisters everywhere! With this essay, I am not singling out the adherents of Islam—to which I ascribe—but rather I am writing this essay to every man and woman throughout the whole world.
I ask Allah that He facilitates that this essay reaches every ear, falls under the sight of every eye, and is understood by every heart.
By Allah, I have written this essay sincerely. I do not seek from anyone reward or praise. I only seek to convey to all my brethren in humanity, irrespective of their races or religions, an aspect of the great message that Muhammad the son of 'Abdullah, Allah's final messenger to all the peoples of the earth, was sent with.
Specifically, I have chosen to explain the wisdom behind those laws that Allah has legislated regarding women. As contingent upon these laws, an individual's bliss on earth is gained and his humanity is achieved. Moreover, these Islamic regulations pertaining to women have been singled out for attack by the enemies of humanity, who seek to follow their desires and who are short-sighted. Rather, they have put an end to a person's bliss on earth and exchanged that with misery and a wretched life. They have attacked these Divine regulations, so that they may turn humanity away from Allah's true religion, His straight path, and bliss in this world and the next—toward which the final Messenger of all Divine messages came to give glad tidings and to invite all humanity to receive.


The subject : (God, the Creator)
The author: (Muhammad al-Sayed Muhammad)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

Muslim Glorification vs. Christian & Infidel Falsehoods and Atheists' Denial.              
*Proof of the Existence of God Almighty:
His Oneness, His Supreme Attributes and Actions, and His Absolute Power.


The subject : (Family Life in Islam)
The author: (Khurshid Ahmad )
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:


The subject : (Yes! I Converted to Islam and here is Why?)
The author: ( Muhammad Haneef Shahid)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book: 

The subject : (Let Us Be Muslims)
The author: (Sayed. A. Mawdudi )
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:               

The subject : (The Universality of Islam)
The author: (Abdullah Al-Qahtani)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:


The subject : (Muhammad (sws) Truly Is the Prophet of Allah)
The author: (Muhammad Al-Sayed Muhammad )
The language: English
 download: click hereAbout the book: Evidence, proofs and miracles
that witness to the prophecy of Muhammad (sws) and
testify that he is the last of all prophets and messengers

The subject : (1+1= 2 Facing The Truth )
The author: (Abdulrahman Al-Malhouk)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book


The subject : (Tuhfat Alorib .. In support of Habib)
The author: (Ahmed Bin Mohamed Al-Azizi)
The language: English-French
 download: click here
About the book: 


The subject : (Islam Its Foundations And Concepts )
The author: (Dr. Muhammad bin Abdullah As-Suheem)
The language: English
 download: click here

About the book:Allaah sent Messengers to mankind in order that people may not have any plea against Him after He has sent these Messengers. He also revealed Books as guidance, mercy, light and healing.
In the past, Messengers were especially sent to their people and entrusted with the preservation of their book. That was why their writings became forgotten and their laws became altered, because they were sent tot a specific nation on a limited period.

The subject : (Essential right)
The author: (Muhammad Al-'Uthaimin)
The language: English
 download: click here                        to read only: here

About the book:It, in spite of it’s relatively small size , does focus on the rights man has, and what obligations one is obliged to do towards His Creator, Allah , the Almighty, and towards his fellow man as well ; and introduce them properly and precisely to the Muslim readers all over the world , and also to those who are either eager to learn about essential matters in Islam , or interested to know what Islam is all about .


The subject : (The Authentic Creed and Invalidators of Islam)
The author: (Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin bin Baz)
The language: English
 Download: click here                     to read only : here

About the book:It is a small but important book covers all basic information about the correctness of beliefs in accordance with the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) . It contains Belief in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, & in the Divine Destiny, and Invalidators of Islam.


The subject : (A calm dialogue between Sunnah & Shia)
The author: (Dr. Abdul Rahman Dimashqiah)
The language: English
 downloadclick here
About the book:

The subject : (TH E  PREACHING OF ISLAM)
The author: (Sir Thomas W. Arnold)
The language: English
 download: click here
About the book:

A History of the Propagation of theMuslim Faith


***  The  Library  will be always renewable...***

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